Other points for possible download loops are mentione within the FAQ, allready checked the sites ? UserCfg points to the packages path ( InstalledPackagesPath “G:\msfs\Packages” ) which contains only the Packages folder with Community and Official ( around 170 GIG in my case ). The game-application ( these 1Gig ) is installed in one of my Steam-Libs at one of my drives and in %AppData% lies only some less data. I personaly only moved the “packages” folder to a different drive.

Of course not realy sure whether this cause your issue, but I have a little guess… If you choose a different folder for that content, I would not recomment to choose the same Steam-Lib folder for that. The Game-Content, which the Game-Updater installs itself and not Steam, is per default within %AppData%\Micro…\. The folder you mentioned is only the application folder ( just your steam lib ), which is also bit special in case of steam. But slow and steady seems to prevail most times.įocus of my question was more the filesystem format because some users installed msfs on usb drive with extFS filesystem ( or also internal with exFat ) which cause issues. I’m an end-user like everyone else, and I personally dread each and every update since this started in SU4. But that slow download absolutely succeeded. It also cut the effective speed of the download to a third of what it was on the 2.6GB. On the next attempt (I paused and exited each time), it specified a 15.6GB download which pushed me all the way back to Version 1.16.x.x based on the fspatch filenames I was seeing. For 3 tries, it tried and looped getting to 90 percent or so of the 2.6GB. This is exactly what happened to me in World Update 6. This may include reverting back to older files to ensure some sort of integrity check which is why there is such a bigger download (see below). CAVEAT - it also likely will require a BIGGER download. The installer seems to have some back-end logic where after 2-3 tries, it detects your connection or your PC cannot support download and decompress of files simultaneously (which seems to be part symptoms of the file looping) - it will then force a slower download. You will gradually get closer to the end and it will succeed. The best advice I can give is after detecting the first file loop - let it get close to where it decided to loop back, then pause and exit the Installer. This is my experience, I have no insider information - Mods are volunteers, not Asobo personnel. I’ve been file looping since Sim Update 4.